Young Co-operators Network 
UNDER 30’s! We are excited to let you all know the Co-op’s UK Free ‘National Youth Summit’ is back again for the third year running, alongside ‘Co-op Congress’!
The annual event is open to all young people 30 and under. There is something for everyone at the National Youth Summit – whether you are already involved with co-operatives or have no idea what a co-op is!
The event is taking place at the the Eastside Rooms in Birmingham, in the heart of Birmingham city centre and just a 20-minute walk from New Street train station.
To get sign up for the event please email
To find out more please visit: The National Youth Summit | Co-operatives UK
Why join the Young Co-operators Network?
There are lots of great reasons to join us and make a difference!
Check out our video and the information below to find out more...
Influence a Multi-Million Pound Business
The YCN is run for young people, by young people. Our young ambassadors have a vital role in shaping the Network at the highest level. We have young members who have joined our Member Engagement Committee and are able to share the ideas of the YCN and help shape the future of Your Co-op.
Starting in 2021, each year young ambassadors have the opportunity to nominate themselves to run as a candidate for the Member Engagement Committee, which is not only a great opportunity to have your say and influence decisions, but also provides great experience in working with leaders of the business and an understanding of how a large organisation is run.
Each year as part of our AGM we host a young members forum, where YCN members get together to share their thoughts and ideas, as well as getting the opportunity to hear from some exciting guest speakers and inspiring leaders of Your Co-op.
Develop Your Career & Boost Your CV
Our network offers practical help for starting your working life. We’ve tips on writing a stand-out CV and covering letter, as well as pointers on giving a great interview. And you’ll also have to chance to gain experience and start your career with Your Co-op.
Young Member Events
Throughout the year we host a wide range of young member events that you can get involved in. These can range from asking our CEO questions to meeting one of our local suppliers and finding out about their journey from an idea to a successful business.
Check out our YCN playlist on YouTube to watch some of the great events and interviews we've done in the past by clicking here.
Exclusive Competitions
Once you join our YCN LinkedIn page, you'll get access to our exclusive competitions where you can win anything from gift cards to theme park tickets and much more.
We regularly give you the opportunity to vote on what prizes you'd like us to give away, so we can make sure
To make sure you don't miss out on our competitions, join our LinkedIn page by clicking here (you must be a Your Co-op member - join us now)
Know That You’re Making a Difference
- Youth representation at MEC since 2019
- YR on environmental steering group
- Shaping the events we do for you
- Exclusive surveys - Feeding your opinions & ideas back to the MEC
Our Young Co-operators Network Co-ordinator
Hello, my name is Ayesha Di’Angelo and I’m the Young Co-operators Network Co-ordinator!
My goal is to create lots more conversations between young people in our membership network, whilst giving them the incentives they want and the content they need in order to co-operate to the best of their ability! I hope to bring my own understanding of the modern and material young person, and my understanding of the YCN along with the benefits it brings
Your Voice Matters
Every Young Co-operator has a say at Midcounties, and that starts with telling us what you think of our organisation and community through our surveys. Join 'Your Co-op Voice' to make sure your voice is heard...
Check Out What We've Been Up To
Take a look at our seasonal newsletters to find out what the Young Co-operators Network has been up to recently:
Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health.
We work with MIND, who are a charity organisation that offer support to people across the UK. We've selected some top tips put together by MIND to help your mental health & wellbeing. Click on the links below to find out more:
You can find more top tips and helpful information by clicking here.
If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, then you can contact MIND to get some advice and support by calling 0300 123 3393 or emailing
Get Involved...
Follow our LinkedIn page
You can also apply for a work experience placement by clicking here.
If you'd like to find out more about the YCN, please email
Not a Member?
Sign up to become a member of Your Co-op today by clicking the button below! You can find out more about the benefits of becoming a member by clicking here.