Your Co-op Donates £75,000 to New Community Partners

Published 6 Mar 2024 in Community
Your Co-op has donated £74,458 to new charity partners as part of its ongoing commitment to giving back to the community.
The 12 charities will each receive part of the donation, these are:
Oxford Food Hub
Cheltenham Open Door
Cotswold Friends
Lawrence Home Nursing Team
Gloucester Deaf Association
Kidlington Community Hub
Young People First
The Shrewsbury Ark
Stroud Valleys Project
Step Swindon
Black Country Women’s Aid
Zebra Access
Wyre Forest Nightstop
Tarra Simmons, Head of Community and Democratic Engagement at Your Co-op, said: “We know how important donations like these are for our charity partners, as they serve the most vulnerable in their communities with much needed care and support.
To be able to come together with our Members, colleagues and customers to support them on this scale means we can keep doing good together and putting the community at the heart of everything we do. We look forward to seeing more of their remarkable work over the coming year and will continue to work closely with our charity partners to learn how we can provide further positive impact for local people.”
These donations follow over £25,500 being raised throughout December across 183 Your Co-op Food stores as part of its annual Christmas Foodbank Appeal. The funds, raised through the generosity of members, customers and colleagues, were distributed equally to partners across Swindon, North Oxfordshire, Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton and Walsall.
Members of Your Co-op have access to exclusive member-only offers across its family of services, including Your Co-op Food, Your Co-op Travel, Your Co-op Energy and Your Co-op Broadband and Mobile businesses.
Every time a member shops or chooses a service, they will also give back to the community – from buying a pint of milk to booking a holiday, we’re doing good together.
To join in and become a member, find out more on the website here.