The Midcounties Co-operative Is Awarded Gold!

Published 27 Jan 2022 in Society Announcements
The Midcounties Co-operative has received a Gold Award from its partner, GroceryAid, for its support of the charity last year.
GroceryAid is a national charity which provides support to those working in the grocery industry, including all colleagues across the Midcounties’ trading sites, giving them access to services such as a 24/7 free and confidential helpline, financial, support, and mental health counselling.
The Midcounties Co-operative’s investment in the partnership is driven by the amazing help the organisation provides to colleagues across the organisation who have faced an especially challenging couple of years.
To achieve a Gold Award, businesses must have demonstrated that they’ve taken part in seven activities across three pillars which include, raising awareness of the charity and the services that it can provide to colleagues, fundraising for or supporting events that the charity is running, and volunteering or contributing resource to the charity.
The Midcounties Co-operative has been a partner of the charity since 2019, and has since picked up both Gold and Silver Supporter Awards. Its contribution to the charity’s incredible work over the past three years has included supporting the GroceryAid ball which brings industry leaders together and helped to raise more than £700k for the charity last year, as well as attending one of its Diversity and Inclusion events. But most importantly consistently raising awareness of the support available to its colleagues to ensure they know where to go should they need support and what support is available.
Clare Moore, Chief HR Officer, at The Midcounties Co-operative, said: “We are so proud to have been awarded a Gold Award from GroceryAid. It’s an incredible charity that provides vital emotional, financial and practical support to all of our colleagues among many more, and we’re looking forward to getting behind their work in 2022 too.”
The Midcounties Co-operative is one of the leading co-operatives in the UK. For more information about how to become a member please visit the website.