Our Board of Directors 
To deliver its key responsibilities, the Board has a set of guiding principles (the framework and expectations for the way directors interact) and a formal schedule of matters reserved for the Board(outlining the duties and responsibilities that must be decided by it).
Learn about being a director by clicking here. You can also find out about the responsibilities of the various board committees by clicking here. And you can read more about the Board in the Society’s Annual Report & Accounts.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, feel free to get in touch with Edward Parker, Secretary & Head of Governance on 07976055427 or Edward.parker@midcounties.coop
Meet the Board
Your Society is governed by a Board of 16 directors, elected by and from our members. As a co-operative enterprise, we believe in everyone having an equal say – and your Board is here to give all of our members a voice.