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Find out about our range of businesses...
The UK's Only Co-operative Telecoms Supplier
Business solutions for your essential communication needs for your ethical business
We're big on delivering differences to our children and families
Community energy with a heart
The UK’s only telecoms co-operative. We offer honest and transparent prices, with no hidden charges
Over 70 post offices throughout our communities
We focus on finding the best holiday deals for you
We volunteer, we donate, and we do our best to make a positive change everywhere we call home.
A few words from our group CEO, Phil Ponsonby
We've had a long and rich history, going back to the mid 19th century!
Everything we do is for the community, not for awards, but we’re always proud to be recognised
We’re a business based on four key values - Democracy, Openness, Equality and Social Responsibility
Everyone is welcome here. We’re a different kind of business because we’re owned by our members.
Check the calendar to see your local events...
Learn about how everyone receives their share of the profits with our points system.
A chance to have your say!
It’s a little card with big benefits
Between 16 and 30? Get inspired and make a difference.
Our app will bring you all the latest member-exclusive deals, offers and more...
We've been supporting local communities for over 100 years.
We've been supporting local communities for over 100 years
Find out what we're doing to support local communities outside of Your Regional Communities
Our Doing Good Together Fund provides small grants to community causes in need of support.
Helping members & colleagues to make a difference in their local communities!
Resources and top tips for our Charity Partners, along with partner updates from our communities
Leading by example is what we do best
We're working to protect our members, customers & colleagues by installing defibrillators
Offering a range of work experience and placement opportunities
Our members, colleagues & customers raised over £380k between 2018–23 for our former partners
Find out about the campaigns we're getting behind to address today’s major issues
We’ve been doing our bit to support the growth of Fairtrade for 30 years and counting
Supporting the most vulnerable in our communities
Tacking single-use plastics
Celebrating the International Year of Cooperatives Building a Better World Together!
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