If you have any queries, feedback or complaints there are a number of ways to contact us, either by telephone, email or post. To get in touch please choose from the businesses below:
General Enquiries
The Registered Head Office address, which is also the Trading address of The Midcounties Co-operative Society
The Midcounties Co-operative
Co-operative House
Warwick Technology Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
Telephone: 01926 516000
Please note - if you have arranged to visit Co-operative House, please read the following document by clicking here.
Membership Enquiries
The Midcounties Co-operative
Co-operative House
Warwick Technology Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
Telephone (freephone): 0800 435 902 FREE
Email: member.communications@midcounties.coop
Energy Enquiries
Telephone (freephone): 0808 164 1088
Email: coop@octopus.energy
Food Enquiries
The Midcounties Co-operative
Co-operative House
Warwick Technology Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
Freephone: 0800 138 2909
Email: talktous@midcounties.coop
Travel Enquiries
Midcounties Co-operative Travel Support Centre
Wolverhampton Street
Call us on: 01922 618 680
Email us at: sales@cooptravel.co.uk
Website: www.cooptravel.co.uk
Childcare Enquiries
The Midcounties Co-operative
Co-operative House
Warwick Technology Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
Call us on: 0800 954 0669
Email: info@littlepioneers.coop
Website: www.littlepioneers.coop
Broadband / Mobile Enquiries
Your Co-op
5 The Millhouse
Elmsfield Business Centre
Worcester Road
Chipping Norton
Call us on: 01608 434000
Email us at: yourcoophello@midcounties.coop
Website: www.broadband.yourcoop.coop
Flexible Benefits Enquiries
The Midcounties Co-operative
Co-operative House
Warwick Technology Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
Call us on: 0800 458 7929
Email: info@flexiblebenefits.coop
Website: www.flexiblebenefits.coop
Post Office Enquiries
The Midcounties Co-operative
Co-operative House
Warwick Technology Park
Gallows Hill
CV34 6DA
Freephone: 0800 138 2909
Email: talktous@midcounties.coop